Sunday, July 25, 2010

Family Photo Time.....

This pretty much sums up our family!!!
We have so many WONDERFUL photos to choose from, but this one is so priceless and so "US". I have no idea what my son is saying/doing....but we obviously think it is pretty funny! :)

Last week was

Since our son had just arrived home from Afghanistan we decided we would do a little "staycation", a time where everyone could gather at home, play, swim, hang out, visit, catch up, watch old home movies.....
We also took several day trips ending with a day in Disneyland where we had to say our good-byes. James' little angels were so sad, they did not want to say good-bye to us! Melted my heart!! (I, of course, did not want to say good bye either!) As we were driving off it occurred to me, ahhhhh this time it is NOT for several MONTHS! :)

I am so thankful for my family, for the relationships we all share. We are like all families, we have had our share of troubled times and rough patches along life's highway....but always we are each other's safe place, the ones we can talk to, lean on, depend on. We care deeply for one another and we LOVE having time TOGETHER!!!!

My three kiddos have brought SEVEN little angels into my heart and life. I cannot imagine life without these precious ones! They are amazing...precious and beautiful inside and out.

On our way home last nite (can you even believe that we were stuck in major gridlock at 11pm-2:30 am)!?!?!? Jim and I were talking about our blessings and how we LOVE this grandparenting gig! When our kiddos were little we were busy providing for them, disciplining them, learning about life and figuring things out. But NOW, we are in a whole different season where we KNOW that the time will be short (they will grow up way too fast), that we can ENJOY them (I love telling them that they have to ask the parents! snicker, snicker...). I have also realized that our influence is valuable and one else has this place of influence that we do....I take that very seriously. I want to show them how loved and treasured they are, and when need be I want to be able to offer advice or HELP to the parents cos I know what a tough job it is to raise children.

Tomorrow is back to work, back to the grind of every day life. But I feel refreshed and restored and I have many precious memories alive in my heart that I share with some of the most amzing people on this planet!!!!

Love & Blessings to you and yours!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

This Weekend I.....

Keys to the Cottage

* Got up at 3am drove down to Camp Pendleton where we experienced the most amazing 4th of July EVER! It began with "colors" (as they raise the flag everyone stops to show respect)...soon a big white bus came around the corner filled with dearly missed US Marines!!! Welcome homes surrounded us and we welcomed our own Son home from Afghanistan!!!!!!

* Witnessed the "meeting face to face" of my son and his sweetheart....priceless!

* Met two precious angels that I have a feeling will be a BIG part of our hearts and lives.

* Spent the entire day with our daughter and her two boys, who never cease to amaze us and fill our hearts!

* Laughed and smiled with the people I love.

* Enjoyed nice long chats and a little nap on the long drive home from San Diego.

* Watched fireworks going off all over our neighborhood...thanks neighbors for allowing this tired couple a free show! :)

* Worked on a couple of my "journals" that I need to finish asap!
(journals that I have been commissioned to make)

* Took my husband to one of my favorite little eateries that he had never been to.

* Discovered that my pharmacy would be closed from Friday thru Tuesday which sent me into a medication withdrawal that has NOT been fun!!!

* My awesome husband installed "misters" on our patio, while I finished painting my crazy coffee table. I should post photos...too bad I did not take "before shots" tho. It WAS an old, FREE, hunter green painted coffee table with a lovely little golf set painted on the top surface. It is NOW a fun reddish, antiqued, table with a leopard painted top. FUN!

* Swam around the pool staring into the brown eyes of my one year old grandson as he chilled on the raft.

All in all I have to say...........this was one of the most memorable weekends in my life! The most memorable way I am sure I will ever spend a 4th of July!!!
I have enjoyed the days OFF....we all need to catch a break and ENJOY our lives. (a lesson I am working on, or is God working on me on, or ??? well, whatever it is definitely happening!)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Seeking GOD

Lately I have been distant, far off, in my own world in a way. So busy I cannot keep up with myself, let alone my own thought processes. I have begun MANY posts only to be interrupted by time constraints and unable to get the flow going again, so I ditched them (the other thoughts I aimed to post here on my blog that is).

I began this blog as an outlet to share with others, to encourage and uplift those who happen to find my meager little blog here in cyberland. To reach out and lend a hand of encouragement to those who are in need, who need love, encouragement, hope....

It has always been my greatest desire to do just that. When I learn something new, discover something, whatever....I LONG to share it, to help others learn the lessons that came so hard so they can have them for FREE! Or so it seems anyway! :)


Lately I have felt like I am the one in dire need of the lessons, of the wisdom and direction. I am at a weird place in life and I LONG for some changes that I cannot seem to choose right now. Oh, I know it all sounds so ominous, but really it is not THAT big. Just pondering in my mind, in my heart.

Above all my heart desires to LIVE and LOVE for Christ!! Truly THAT is the reason we are here.

SO here's to LOVE and to knowing in the deepest part of our hearts that GOD IS IN CONTROL!
To doing our best to making sure we are following His lead, to staying in His perfect and wonderful will. Here's to all of YOU who take the time to encourage me and to pour LOVE into MY heart!!!

Love & Blessings!