Friday, August 26, 2011

Our Natural Resources

Our natural resources in life.

These are the things that we are constantly seeking.
There never seems to be enough of any of them.

If you are like me when you were younger you never thought that ENERGY would be one of them.
I mean, I would wake up with plenty of energy and I could go and do all day problem. Get a good nites sleep (and that was not always a "long" nites sleep since I am a night owl) and wake up feeling ready to face the new day.

As for TIME well, there was plenty of that too, or so it seemed for the most part.
It seemed as if we had all of life to do the things we wanted to do. But as we all know, those days draw in closer and closer the older we get.

Then there is MONEY. Although I have never been in a place where I did not have to be careful, watch my money, budget, etc. I am thankful we have always had what we needed. There were tough times, but God always provided.

Here's the thing.....

With money you work hard and at the end of the pay period you get paid and you are "replenished".

With energy you get a good nites sleep and you are restored....ready to begin again.

With time you get a new 24 hours each and every one has more than another, this is one place we are all equal.

Once I found myself living with a chronic condition that depleted my energy I began to see that , unfortunately, the resource of ENERGY does not necessarily replenish itself with those good nites sleep.
Also as life goes on we find that pay day does not always do the trick in replenishing our money because we have debt. When those pay days come along we do not get 100% of it to "replenish" our pocket books any longer.
As for time.......well, no matter that technology is super duper fabulous we are still finding ourselves with less and less time. In fact it may be BECAUSE we have such super duper technology that we ARE so busy and our time seems to disappear at a rapid rate.

Why am I bringing this subject up???
Because I have come to the conclusion that the time has come that we CHOOSE how to spend OUR time, money, energy....all our resources. Which also includes our God given talents and abilities....for the very things GOD put us on this earth to do.

He did not make us all the same, we are all needed for different reasons/purposes.

What happens to most of us is we spend our lives doing what we are asked to do, what is demanded of us and never get to the things we want/need/desire. It is a huge waste of God's resources! He put those abilities and talents in us when He created us...they are there for good reason.

I recently read a quote that says it well..........

"Success depends on getting good at saying no without feeling guilty. You cannot get ahead with your own goals if you are always saying yes to someone else's projects. You can only get ahead with your desired lifestyle if you are focused on the things that will produce the lifestyle."

This is not to be mistaken for responsiblity! If you have a family to tend to, that is what you have already CHOSEN. Your responsibilities shall always come FIRST!

It's time to BE who GOD created YOU to BE and DO what HE has created YOU to DO!!!!!
SO....let me challenge you to go out and use your resources wisely. We all know you only have so much of each to go around......spend them well! Make HIM proud!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

You've Had It In You All Along......

It has always been in me.

This morning on my walk, which is the time when I really get to clear my head and pray....
I was thinking about my new job and how far I have come in the mere 2 weeks I have been there.
To be perfectly honest I have been EXTREMELY overwhelmed!!!!
I have not worked in the "clerical" field in MANY years! We have had a couple of businesses and I was the church secretary for 5 years. You have to understand though, this was back in 1988-1993. We were still doing the ole "copy and paste" in the physical know, print it off, tape it on....try to make sure your tape lines do not show up on the copy! We had an apple computer, that is without internet or anything more than the bookkeeping program and the word program. The rate of techno progress is astonishing and I was definitely feeling like I was lagging behind in the learning process.
So as I began this new pursuit I felt like I might never catch on, I might fail miserably!!!
It was a very sad & scary feeling!

BUT...........I am doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM!!!!

Just like the message in the great movie "Wizard of Oz....."It's always been in me!"

I can learn anything, if I just TRY. I can become whatever I want to, if I just tap into what is IN me! What God has given me.

I am pretty sure YOU can too!!
Whatever it is you are facing, whatever you think you cannot do, I bet you CAN!!!!!!
I want you to look deep inside yourself and find that passion, that strength, that gumption to do whatever it is you want to do!!!!!

I am not saying I know it all now, or that I can do it ALL.
(Lord knows I still have a LOT to learn!!!!).....
BUT, just like you, I now know I can find my way!

It has been there all along.