Sunday, January 29, 2012

Uniquely YOU!

Have you ever wondered WHY you had to go through some of the things you have.
Have you ever thought that maybe that is what helped mold you into who you are today?

That particular thought does not come right away, it usually comes when we are older and wiser and been through enough to know....
Enough to know that God knows and really, truly that is ALL that matters!

Here is a wonderful message from Brave Girls Club about this very thought..........

Dear Super Duper Girl,

If you had lived through different experiences, you would not have the same things to say. If you had not done what you have done, endured what you have endured, decided what you have decided, you would not know what you know. If you had not fallen where you fell and got back up where you got back would not be where you are.

You are you because of the sum of every minute you have been alive. You are you because of everything you have learned, no matter what it took to give you the lesson.

Because of all of these things, there is not another soul like you that ever existed and there never will be. Because of this, you have the ability to leave a beautiful mark on this world, and on every person you ever meet and every place you will ever go -- a mark that could NEVER EVER be made by anyone else.

Own it, girl. The beauty is in the real stuff. Be real, flaws and all.
You are so very very very loved.

I hope this helps you to go forth each new day KNOWING in the deepest part of your heart that your life is fabulous...fabulously YOURS! That in God's perfect plan ALL things will work together for the good, because you love HIM!!! (From Romans 8:28)

Next time you face that obstacle, or feel down about your past....remember this...remember that your life is uniquely YOURS because YOU ARE UNIQUELY YOU!!!!

Love & Blessings!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Trust in the Lord........

My favorite scripture since the time I was saved (in my early twenties) has been:
Proverbs 3:5-6.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, 
acknowledge HIM in ALL of your ways and He will direct your path."

Not sure anyone else will remember but there was a singer at the time named DION 
who had a song with these words as the lyrics. I am sure it is what helped cement them into my brain.

Today's devotion in "Jesus Calling" is about this very scripture...
It says that "trust is a golden pathway to heaven, when you walk on this path
you live above your circumstances."
"Relying on your own understanding will weigh you down.
Trust in ME absolutely, and I will make your path straight."

So here's to trusting HIM today in everything!
When you begin to feel overwhelmed and crazy about the circumstances that surround you
Take a deep breath and recite this scripture....

I know that I am always trying to figrue things out
so today I will NOT, I will just REST in HIS divine wisdom.

How about you!?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Terrific Tuesday.....

There are some precious souls out there that I love dearly but do not "see" on Facebook where I normally post daily encouragement....soooo...I decided it was time to start posting some of that encouragement right here.
The reason I haven't sooner is: 1) Because writing a blog is a strange thing. One never can tell  if anyone is really out there, listening, even caring to listen. I often feel as if I am talking to myself. 2) I take so dang long writing one single post that I cannot squeeze it into my busy life.
My solution? 1) Write anyway, because I believe it is something GOD has called me to do.  2) Quit taking so dang long to write!  ;) LOL!!!
So you might find little snippets more prevalent than the lengthy posts I am prone to. Actually now that I say that out loud (remember, I am talking to myself over here in blog land)... I realize that everyone is busy and does not have time to read long and lengthy posts anyway!

To kick start this off I wanted to share a BRAVE GIRLS message. I cannot say enough about this group of women who devote their life's work to encouraging women. It is what I dream of. Their messages speak that which I long for all women to hear. To know your worth and value in this world, to be encouraged and lifted up.

Dear Super Duper Girl,

If you had lived through different experiences, you would not have the same things to say. If you had not done what you have done, endured what you have endured, decided what you have decided, you would not know what you know. If you had not fallen where you fell and got back up where you got back would not be where you are.

You are you because of the sum of every minute you have been alive. You are you because of everything you have learned, no matter what it took to give you the lesson.

Because of all of these things, there is not another soul like you that ever existed and there never will be. Because of this, you have the ability to leave a beautiful mark on this world, and on every person you ever meet and every place you will ever go -- a mark that could NEVER EVER be made by anyone else.

Own it, girl. The beauty is in the real stuff. Be real, flaws and all.
You are so very very very loved.

I pray that you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday.........
Go out and make it great!!!
Love & Blessings!
XO Sherry

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years Resolutions

I'm always the one asking others if they have made any new years resolutions...yesterday I was asked the question. What was sooo weird to me is that for the first time probably ever, I actually did not make any actual "resolutions" for the New year!

I haven't been able to get it out of my mind and this is what I think.........
I think maybe I resolve EVERY day to live my best life. I do my best to be always AWARE and seek GOD in every thing I see, say and do. I remain on a lifelong journey to do and BE all that I am created for. Each morning when I pray and commit my day and my life to HIM,  I am RESOLVING to live my best life and to do all those things HE would have me to do.

Sure enough I fail (that is why every morning I RE-commit!) Sure enough I feel less that successful and optimal, but sure enough.........I KEEP PRESSING ON!
His mercies are new every day and I need them!
His grace is sufficient for me........and for YOU too!!!

Did you make New Years Resolutions?
If not, it's okay....just make it a daily habit to resolve to live your best life, to doing and BEING the best YOU there is! That is what God wants!
He wants YOU to be YOU...the best you!!!!!

Here's to YOU and to a new year of daily resolving to be the BEST YOU there is!!!

Love & Blessings!