Monday, August 24, 2015

FREE Life Coaching Sessions

Have you ever wished you could afford a Life Coach but you figured it was out of your reach? Or you just wanted to run things by someone to help get clarity?

 Well, I might just be your gal.

Last month I took a leap into yet another Life Coach training course.
 I am currently certified as a Christian Life Coach, but this course will further my knowledge and give me an accreditation.
As part of our training we are required to give 20 sample sessions.

A Sample Life Coach Session lasts only 15 minutes and is focused on a particular topic that has been pre-determined.  So, basically it is something you have on your heart and mind and would love to talk to someone about.

Maybe you just need to discuss an area of life that you feel overwhelmed about, or you feel like you could use some direction.
 Life coaching is a collaborative relationship that helps you find your way when the path seems unclear.

I would like to offer this service to my blog readers. We can arrange a phone call session so no matter where you live we can make it happen.
You can contact me via my email at if you are interested in your own personal 15-minute sample session.

It is my passion to help other women on this journey of life by sharing that which I know, what I have experienced and learned along the way.

Let me know if I can be a conduit of God to help you on your personal journey.
May you be blessed and always remember…YOU ARE ENOUGH!
Love& Blessings,
XO Sherry

Friday, August 14, 2015

Take That FIRST Step

Have you ever watched a baby take its first steps?


The sweet baby starts off with a tight grip, afraid of letting go. Her feet begin moving forward but she hesitates to release the hand that is holding her upright. Then, she finally does it, she lets go. One wobbly step at a time she begins to move forward, taking tiny baby steps.  Then plop, she’s down. Now that she knows she can do it though she wants to try again. Again and again she takes wobbly steps, one foot in front of the other, time after time, until she masters the art of walking on her own. Before you know it that sweet baby girl is running all over, nothing can slow her down or stop her.


 The “grip” is different for each one of us. “I don’t have enough time”, “I have already tried everything”, “I’m not sure this is what I need”, fear, anxiety, hopelessness, the list goes on and on.


It is time to let go of the grip and move forward into the amazing future God has planned for you. It is time to get unstuck, to pull up out of the pit and move forward into the full confidence of Christ. Time to move forward, which might mean investing in yourself, which you are not accustomed to doing.

Let me assure you that you are worth the time, energy, expense and effort. It just takes that first baby step and before you know it you will be like the sweet little tot running all over.

If you live in the Bakersfield area I would love for you to join us in Soul Steps as we walk together on this journey towards freedom in Christ one step at a time. The fall session begins on September 22nd (registration closes on September 14th).
 As for the rest of you lovelies, I am working on making the course available online, hopefully very soon.

Contact me at my email if you have any questions.


Monday, August 10, 2015


It seems summer is still in full swing when you check the weather report yet school begins again next week here in Central California. The good news about the end of summer is that it means Fall is just around the corner. Autumn is my favorite of all seasons  with its scents and sights and much cooler days.
With Fall comes my next session of SOUL STEPS. I am so excited to offer this incredible opportunity once again to women in Kern County.
We will be meeting every Tuesday night (6:30-8 pm)beginning September 22nd for seven weeks as we take an amazing journey through the heart. We will be digging out the junk that has built up within us, getting rid of what has been hanging on for far too long and walking into the freedom of Christ. God longs for us to live our lives free of bondage, fears and that constant feeling of overwhelm. During Soul Steps we will go over the importance of GrOwing forward in our faith and realizing who we are in Him.
Most of us women fail to recognize our own importance and value. But God wants you to know that YOU ARE ENOUGH.  Period!
I would love to invite you to join other women on this journey of the heart. It has proven to be life-changing for those who have experienced Soul Steps. Some women have said that it has completely changed the way they look at themselves, at their lives. It has helped them to unload the weight they have been carrying on their shoulders.
If you are interested contact me directly via my email at for further information. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you join us in what proves to be the greatest step forward in your future of peace and freedom.
Love & Blessings!