* Went to a Bridal Shower for one of my sweet nephews' fiance's. Congratulations Lacey & Christopher!!!It was sooooo fun to be around family!!!
* Went to dinner with my sweet husband and while we were waiting saw some of the sweet young'ins that grew up with my kiddos....they are no longer "youngins" of course! It was sooo good to see them and to have a quick, sweet chat!
* Did laundry, changed sheets, weeded the flower garden....
(not a big housework weekend! ;)
* Spent too long at Michaels looking for a product that apparently they no longer stock...something I NEED for a project I am making that needs to be done NEXT WEEKEND!
uh oh!!!!
* Went to Home Depot for parts for the sprinker system that was punctured by the jumper/water slide we had for our big party!
* Went grocery shopping.
* Sat out at the pool, under the shade of a palm tree, with a warm breeze blowing, holding a sleeping baby, while watching the other little guy show me tricks he could do in the "CA CUZZI!" ;) ...now that is the life!!!!
* Had a another major fibro attack (or whatever is going on in my body these days!)....could barely walk!!! ugh!!!
* Read and studied two chapters for my Bible Study...Battlefield of the Mind.
* Swam a few laps.
* Watched American Graffitti with my sweet, car lovin' husband!
* Got my old lap top back, restored by my cousins SWEET husband!!!! Thank you Sam!!!!!
* Started a special project for a special bride-to-be (the one that I always thought was gonna be my daughter-in-law!) he he!!!
I am so thankful for weekends, for time to re-group and do the things I never have time for all week long.
I have been struggling with my health lately so it has been harder than usual. I feel so out of sorts. I also injured myself in a fall about 2 months ago and my toe still has not healed....I guess I need to go get it X-rayed. Life is full of up's and down's....I try my best to stay strong and positive no matter what stage of the game I am in. It is not always easy, nor am I always successful.....but I have learned that the key is to keep on believing. Believe that GOD IS IN CONTROL.....He knows all, sees all.....IS ALL!!!
I pray that if you are feeling overwhelmed, distraught, overcome, frustrated, depressed, that you will seek GOD and HIS help. Immerse yourself in the Word of God. That is the greatest tool we have. It is a sharp, two edged sword, but it does no good in it's sheath. You must use it. Write the Word on your heart, recite it often, the devil HAS to flee when the name of Jesus is uttered!
Some times all that can come out of my mouth is simply "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"....and that is enough!!!!!
So, here's to a great week. The first week of AUGUST, can you believe that???
I pray you enjoy every precious moment, that you will find time for all the things that matter most to you!
Remember....our lives are the sum of the choices we make!!!!
What a great weekend! I love how you always lift me up with your great attitude towards life! You are an inspiration!!!