Isn't he adorable!?
This is my youngest grandangel, one of the sweet JOYS of my life!
I just love this picture cos it just seems to be fitting of me these days...upside down, but smiling anyway! :)
There is always something to smile about..something to THANK GOD for!
In Max Lucado's message tonite at the "Change The World Tour" he made a very good point (of course he did he IS Max Lucado!!!)
He said: "many of you are going through difficult times and feeling overwhelmed by it all. I can not promise you that your situation is going to change and be better..but I CAN promise you that GOD IS WITH YOU and HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU! He has your back!!!!! He will never leave you nor forsake you."
It is so true!!!!
When nothing else seems to make sense, nothing seems to be going right, you just have to keep the faith, keep moving forward, keep on keeping on.
I am learning that is not always easy, some things are so much easier said than done!
BUT it IS the right thing, the thing that God would have me do....and YOU DO!
If you find yourself struggling to stay upright some days, to keep the emotions at bay, to fight the negative thoughts, to keep a good attitude......FIX YOUR EYES UPON JESUS!!!!!
Max went on to explain that the bigger you make GOD, the smaller your problems will become.
Keep Him in focus, keep your eyes upon HIM.
SO...If you find yourself feeling "upside down" and "beside yourself"....
Make him bigger and your problems smaller and smaller.... and SMILE!!!!!
Love & Blessings!
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