Sunday, March 16, 2014

Flitting and Trusting

Have you ever found yourself in a dance of avoidance?  When you are supposed to be doing one thing but you keep on flitting and doing OTHER things? It seems like your mind cannot focus or that you have too much inside and you have to get it ALL out?

Well, that seems to be where I am today!

I am supposed to be preparing for a retreat I am going to be speaking at, yet I am finding myself suddenly wanting to create a blog post!  Not sure where this is even leading, I am going to discover it along with you  ;)

I have so much on my mind and my heart. As we all do at any given time.

The retreat message I am preparing does not come difficult to me, only the thought of "speaking" does...I can write all day long and feel fine about people reading what I have to say, but when it comes to standing in front of sweet gals and trying to eloquate the message in my heart, I struggle BIG time!

My heart is also being pulled by the vortex of a huge life event that is in the wings.
 My son and his wife and two little girls will be leaving in two weeks for three years to Japan. That is a whole lot of ocean between this mom/mimi and my precious ones!
For years they have lived 7 hours away which was inconvenient but oh so doable! Now I cannot just jump in my car on a whim and go hang out with my loves. They surely will not be able to come home either.
So, my heart is left to ache this difficult time and I feel like a bucket of tears, spilling over at the tiniest bump. That bump can be just a thought, a word, a song, a sight, a text message, a name it!

Life is full of struggles and challenges.
  Many of you are going through some pretty tough times.
 You wonder when the fog will EVER lift!
 Seems like some days you just feel so weighed down by all that is on your "plate" as you hope for brighter days ahead.
When will you be able to rest peacefully when you lay your head on your pillow at night.
 When will the lonely feeling ever end.
 When will you receive the answer to that prayer that is ever on your lips.
 How can you keep on going like this?
 How can you make it another day?

God holds every answer. He is also the source of our comfort and joy as we find our footing in this often treacherous world, as we navigate through our struggles and anguish. He is reaching out to hold our hand and guide us through any struggle we find ourselves in.
He loves us more than we can ever imagine.
He knows the outcome and He wants us to be reassured that in the end, it will be okay. 
It really will.
Not everything is perfect or easy, but He is almighty and will never leave you nor forsake you.
He has the whole world in His hands and He wants you to find comfort and peace in the fact that He wants nothing but the best for your life.

I am going to remember that as I kiss my sweet boy, my darling daughter-in-law and my two little grandangels good bye. As they fly off to this new adventure in their lives. I KNOW that God has great things for them, I just also know that my heart is in knots at the very thought of missing them!

I want to encourage you today in anything YOU are going through, that you know God has YOU, He has your loved ones and your circumstances. Relinquish all the control and worry over to Him. He has never intended for us to worry and fret, but to think on good things!

I am going to leave you with the verse that has been my great companion through many a tough time. It has helped me keep my focus when my son was deployed, or when I feared the worst in a diagnosis or just had a time of anxiety that I could not get a grip on.
I would encourage you to write it upon your heart as I you can pull it up when you are feeling those moments of overwhelm and anxiety.

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be you."
Philippians 4:6-9

Let's focus more on HIM and less on our circumstances! By doing so we will feel the peace of God that SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING!

Love and blessings to you on this beautiful day that the Lord has made! REJOICE and be glad in it!!!

XO Sherry


  1. Thanks Sherry, as you know you could have written this just for me. It's been two and a half years since Jenna has been home. I miss just having her home. We've seen her a ton with all the Texas trips, but I long to have her here where she grew up if even for one day. I also long for answers to mysteries I may never understand this side of heaven. Bless you my friend and yes, that verse has meant much to me in the last 15 months. Love, Ginger

  2. O sweet Ginger, you are certainly one I think of as my heart is stirred. You have faced some of the most difficulty circumstances ever in these past 15 months, along with the ache of a momma's heart missing her little chickadees. When our kiddos go through tough times our hearts ache terribly. Our only peace is in HIM. The world disappoints and hurts far too much far too often. We will gain strength from Him and one another as we continue this journey!!! You are ever in my prayers my friend! XO <3
