Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I have been waiting a very long time to make this announcement.
I am absolutely THRILLED to tell you about my new endeavor.
The thing I have been working on for YEARS!
My hearts work... my passion!!!

Some of you who know me well know all about the spiritual/physical journey I experienced on my 39th birthday...all those years ago!  ;)
 I walked from our home in the mountains to the TOP of the mountain and back; an 18 mile trek. During that experience God did a mighty work in me. I love sharing the story, how God moved in me and changed my life. My heart was forever changed from that day forward. Not that I have never struggled since, but I have a whole new sense of healing in my heart and soul. A healing from issues and wounds that had been there for a very long time, some since early childhood.
I began writing the moment I returned that October day in 1997 and was always intending it to be a BOOK sharing my experience and the lessons I learned.
Through the years I have heard many women speak of their similar struggles which always made me feel anxious to share my story. I wanted desperately to be able to offer them a resource that would help them walk through their own journey towards healing.
For years my "Mission Statement" has been "to share that which I know, have experienced, with other women to help them on their journey".
I long to help women heal from their woundedness , to become the strong effective women God created them to be. To embrace their story and all that has led them to this very place in life, nothing is wasted with God, He uses it ALL.  He longs to heal us from our brokenness, the wounds that we have carried around for so long. More than anything He wants us to be whole so we can be the effective women He created us to be. He has created each one of us with a perfect plan and purpose yet sometimes we get lost amidst the troubles, trials, struggles and pain of life.

Like I said, I had always intended to write a book, but the process began to shift, becoming "lessons" that I soon realized would be a curriculum.
This curriculum is called.....


What is SOUL STEPS exactly?

It is a seven-week curriculum created to walk women through their past issues, struggles, wounds, and into the freedom of Christ. Leading women through the process of knowing who they are and what they were created for. It begins with UPHILL, the first lessons which will lead you through the treacherous process of CLIMBING the mountain, doing the hard work of digging into your heart and purging the things that you have carried long enough.

Then we will have our own MOUNTAIN TOP experience, an actual time on the mountain, where the participants will have their own opportunity to process their wounds and release them there in the beautiful backdrop of nature where we can quiet ourselves and allow Him to speak to the depths of our hearts.

The curriculum continues in the section called DOWNHILL, which symbolizes the freedom from letting go of all of the burdens and heavy weights we have been carrying. This is the time I will encourage women to embrace who God created them to be, to do and be who He has always intended. He longs for you to live your life for Him, to love yourself and to show love to others. You cannot do that when you are stuck in your own issues.
We must move out of our defectiveness and into the place of effectiveness.

We end with a CELEBRATION!  A time of honoring and celebrating who we are.  I have a fun evening planned in my lovely backyard complete with patio party lights.  ;) 
(one of my favorite things!)

This seven week curriculum will begin on September 30th at Seven Oaks Country Club.
I would LOVE for you to join us!!
The cost of the course is $125 and that will include the seven meetings, the mountaintop experience, the downhill party, the curriculum, a personal journal and lots of other little goodies along the way.


  1. Oh, the labor of love and the fruit it produces! It is your time...sweet Sherry...the time that He has been planning for you and it is such a time as this! The song bird has been released! I love YOU!

  2. This is amazing Sherry! I'm so happy that you are able to share this and your passion and help others! You are a sweet, beautiful soul! Xo

  3. Wish I could join you!!!! I'm so thrilled for you and have no doubt it will be amazing.

    1. I am actually working on making it available online!! :) Then you CAN join me!!! ;) XO <3
