As we embark upon this sweet holiday of honoring MOTHER'S, I want to wish each one of you a very happy day.
My heart is truly thinking of the broad range of women that might read this; some who are moms with healthy relationships with their children, some bearing the terrible pain of children who have died far too soon. There are moms who might not know where there child is. Mothers who live with regret at the way they raised their children. Women whose hearts and wombs desperately long to have a child of their own.
There may be some of you who no longer have a husband in the home to make sure a Mother's Day Celebration is had or maybe he is right there and still there is nothing special being offered up. Maybe you cannot be with your child or children on this allocated holiday and it breaks your heart.
There are those who have never had a mom to celebrate, and you wish like crazy you did. Some have had the greatest mom ever but she is no longer here and your heart aches desperately as you miss her terribly.
Whatever category you fall into ladies I want you to know that although Mothers Day is a precious holiday to celebrate in the best of circumstances, if you do not find yourself in that particular situation, that's okay! YOU are still worth celebrating.
Whether you are a mom, have a mom or want to be a mom, I hope that you take time this weekend to honor yourself in a way that feeds your soul. What would that be?
Do you know what feeds your soul?
I talk to the women about this in Soul Steps; We need to know what the things are that re-fuels us and energizes us body, spirit and soul. In knowing what that is you will always be able to tap into that source that refreshes you. For me it will be going to church then driving up to the mountain and taking a little hike and having a picnic. That will feed my soul tremendously.
Think about what you can do this weekend to refresh your Spirit and honor YOU, whether you are a mom or not.
I would love to hear what YOU would do to refresh your soul.
Happy Weekend
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