Here is the coffee table I painted up for my living room. This was once a hunter green table with a "lovely" golf set painted on the top. I loved the shape of it and friend of mine offered it to me, I knew it had potential! I just started painting away, lots of layers and colors.
You actually cannot see as many layers and colors in these photos....but it turned out pretty cool!

Here we have some candlesticks that a dear friend gave me for my birthday several years ago. I love them, but against our fireplace they kind of disappear....so I did what any red-lovin' gal would do, I painted them! ;) I love how they turned out and they stand out much better against the stone on the fireplace now.

I have been far too busy decorating other people's homes lately (that is what I do for a living). I am thankful I get to use my creativity on a regular basis.....it is just IN me. My mom was a creative spirit and so was my dad, so I guess I come by it naturally........being creative that is.
That's all I have for today....I had promised a few people I would post these on here, so here they are! Now leave me some love (comments!)
They are awesome!!! You can totally see the layers of the reds in the pic...it looks sooo great! I just can't believe you freehanded the top...that is talent :)