Sunday, April 4, 2010

One Little Easter Egg

It is funny how things come to your mind.
I have had a precious memory of Easter a few years back rolling over in my mind for the last couple of days. I would like to share it with you, and hope you can appreciate it and the message I have found in it.

It was Easter Sunday at church. I was honored to be the adult who was taking my precious little 2 year old grandson to his Sunday school class. Once there I realized he had no intention of Mimi stay I did! :)
Turns out they were having an Easter egg hunt. How fun!! I was excited for him and talked it up as we walked hand in hand to the big patch of grass they had all roped off for this big hunt. He carried his little basket and watched the other kids, but truly had no idea what he was doing, or what was expected of him.
The teachers lined all the kids up at the opening to this grassy area, most of them were anxious and ready, the older ones knew what was coming and they were ready to take off. My little guy still had hold of my hand.
When the word was given that they could GO...most of the children took off quickly. Not my little guy, he just sauntered onto the grassy knoll. I was pointing and hinting and helping him along. He watched the others, in no hurry at all, taking it all in. He finally decided to join in the hunt and find an egg of his own, he plucked his first little colored egg from a nearby bush and proceeded to SIT down, right then and there.

Of course I had to explain to him how this works...again! He was not phased, he was completely satisfied with that one pretty egg. He was trying to open it up to see what all this fuss was about and here I was telling him to get up and get MORE.
Hmmmm....he just sat there a while.

Of course he eventually did get up and join in the rest of the hunt. He did not gather many eggs since most of them had already been snatched up. No worries he was still just as happy and content as could be with his collection.

When we met up with the rest of the family after the service he was quite proud of his tiny little gathering of colored plastic eggs, showing them off and even offering to share them.

I have been thinking about my grandsons actions that day. The way he joined in on the big search and once he found what he was looking for, he was CONTENT. He was happy to sit and enjoy that which he had just discovered. He was blissful enough to sit down amongst the hubbub that surrounded him and just BE. He was anxious to open it up and see what treasure it beheld and that was enough for him.
He came, He saw, He accepted the gift and now he was ready to enjoy it.

Nothing else really mattered to him at that time...Oh, except that he wanted to share it with each one of us! He was so excited that he wanted us to have some too.

I will always remember that precious scene and I hope to always remember the message it holds. The message of being content and peaceful enough to sit and enjoy, to be happy with whatever is in my hands and to be anxious to share that which I have.

WOW! Lord I pray you help me to do just that. That I will always live a life of contentment, peace and love. Let me be just like that two year old sweet boy of mine sitting peacefully in the grassy knoll enjoying that sweet precious gift.

Are you peaceful and content with what you have? Are you looking beyond what you already have in your hands? Do you run to and fro looking for the next egg or are you good with the one you have. There is pretty much the same thing in each egg. Once you have it in your hands are you good to go, good to sit down and enjoy that which you have and then share it with others?

Well, I am off to see that very same grandson (and his big sister and little brother) I just wonder what lessons these precious ones of mine will show me today? I know I will be watching and waiting to see, as I sit there, perfectly content!

Peace and love to you this Easter sunday!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful story! It's incredible that you will be able to remind your little guy of this throughout his life and the picture Christ painted on that day.

    No greater love..
