Thursday, December 30, 2010

Missin' Mom

Today would have been my mom's birthday........

Mom has been gone for just about 14 years now.
When mom died we were left without parents (dad had died nine years earlier).
It was a very strange feeling to become an "orphan" at the age of 39.
I remember how terribly difficult it was to digest, the fact that there was no more parent in my life. No one left who knows everything about me, who was there for every moment of my life, the ones who raised me and saw me through the ups and downs of life.
Unfortunately we also lost our sister two years after dad (she was only 29 years old).
So, half of our family is already in heaven!

Days like today are a little melancholy. It is difficult not to feel the effects of a life so changed.
B U T . . . . . .
I am thankful for the promises God has for us, for the life He has so graciously given me.
Today I was blessed to share life with my love and our son and his two precious angels.
It helps.
But just like the band aid on the "owie" it still stings and hurts, it will heal and feel better with each passing day.
But today is just one of those "owie days".

How about you? Have you had your fair share of those "owie days" lately? Have you felt "orphaned" and alone in this life? It is easy to feel like this, sometimes we have an abundance of people around us and we still feel lonely and sad.........

I hope that if you have those feelings you will go to the source of HOPE and HELP and COMFORT. God is the one and only one who knows and understands completely.
He is our parent when we have no other parents.
He is our lifeline, our strong shoulder to lean on......

I have taken a few moments to say a prayer, asking God to remind me of HIS love for me, to fill me with enough love to share with all the ones I love. I am releasing my pain and gathering His comfort.
Now I will be grateful for that which I have right here and right now and go snuggle with my precious grand-angels and be thankful for the JOYS He has given me to lighten my load and brighten my days!!!

I pray you are feeling God's love and peace and comfort.........
Today and every day!!!!!

Sweet love and blessings to each one of you!

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