Unto us a Son is given.
Over 2000 years ago a tiny baby was born that changed our world.
If we have welcomed Him into our hearts He will have changed our lives as well. Nothing will ever be the same again. He does not promise us a life without difficulty or struggle, but He DOES offer us a love like no other!!!
His LOVE is never-ending, it is all we will ever need in this life.
I pray that your Christmas is a special day, one filled with lots of LOVE. I pray you made many precious memories that will live on in your heart forever!
I realize that for some today was not easy breezy, picture perfect and bliss.
Sometimes holidays can be difficult, life is imperfect. Sometimes things don't go exactly how you would like them to. Sometimes holidays remind us of those we love who are no longer gracing our lives. It reminds us that life has thrown us too many blows. It grinds in the fact that our hearts are hurting for one reason or another.
No matter what, the bottom line is that we always remember that it all hinges on our attitudes.
We can be disappointed, or heartbroken and life can be difficult to manage, even amidst a most blessed holiday. Let me remind you, if you are in this position, that GOD is for you...He loves you, and if God is for you, who can be against you!?
Nothing matters more than His love.
It doesn't mean your heart does not hurt, but it DOES mean He is there with you and He will never leave you! Seek Him and you will find the peace you need.
I pray you find great love, joy and peace today and every day!!!
Much love and blessings!
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